Oct 24, 2009

Autodesk: Maya Fluid FX

This presentation has a special focus on working with expressions. You will learn how to combine particle systems and fluids to produce a wide variety of effects. Learn how to make full use of fluids by writing expressions. Master water related effects such as creating foam on an ocean surface using both particles and fluids. Learn to create highly effective gaseous effects as wel as flames and explosions. Understand how to work with fluid textures plus hints on how the fluid Navier-Stokes solver of Maya an be used for crowd simulation and more. Included with this video are presenter notes and dozens of Maya files for you to use as you learn.
With this training video, you will explore:
Oceans and the Height Feild Node
Fluid and Expression Basics
Water Shading, Spray, Foam, and Wakes
Rivers and Flowing Liquids
Gaseous Effects including: Flames, Explosions, Smoke, Clouds, Snow, and Data Transfer
Special Fluid Uses including: Crowd Simulation, Sound Waves, and Fluid Texture Uses
Presenter Biographies:
Duncan Brinsmead is a principal scientist with Autodesk. He is the creator of Maya Paint Effects, a radical brush-based technology in Maya, and Maya Hair, an advanced character creation toolset in Maya Unlimited. He also worked extensively on Maya Fluids. You can find Duncan at his blog on www.the-area.com.
Neehar Karnik has been working with Maya since version one. Neehar has worked as an Alias and Autodesk Support Engineer on Maya and has experience working as a technical director at Rainmaker and CIS Vancouver.



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