Jan 15, 2008

Evermotion Archmodels Vol.49


Evermotion Archmodels Vol.49
RS | 77 MB rar | 177 MB Extract | MAX+Textures+Pdf

Have you ever lost your race with time doing visualizations? Have you ever been embarrassed of unfinished renders, spending all night on the modeling process, instead of rendering? If you are an architect, and if you need to work fast but with highest pecision, this is the thing for you. Archmodels volume 46 gives you 70 professional, highly detailed objects for architectural visualizations. Why waste costly time for making something that you can have from the best at Evermotion?

This Volume Contains 70 Professional High Quality 3D Models of bags, shoes, suitcases, purses, backpacks, wallets, gloves, hats, umbrellas, sun glasses, etc.

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