Jan 28, 2008

GeForce FX: 8x1 or 4x2? 3D Error !

I'm getting a number of reports from people saying that they have not managed to get more than 4 pixel per clock out for GeForce FX. Normally, if running in 32bit, the 3DMark fillrate tests will not show more than four pixels per clock on the GFFX becuase of bandwidth limitations - however, even if the colour is reduced to 16bit and 16bit textures the multitexturing performance is still twice the the single texturing performance and the single texturing is still less than half the theoretical performance of an 8x1 card (1.4Gp/s single tex, 3.4Gt/s multitex).
When Radeon 9500 PRO is run with these setting is does achieve a rate that is greater than 4 pixels per clock (as I pointed out to XBit labs in their pulled review).
Obviously I'd like to veryify these claims myself, but I don't have a board at the moment.
Brent - fancy doing a little more testing? If you can can you clock down the core but keep the memory high then run a fillrate test in 16bit.


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