May 25, 2009

CDCheck v3.1.14.0

Short description (details): CDCheck is utility for prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files with emphasis on error detection. It offers readability verification, creation and checking of MD5, CRC-32, SHA... hashes (in file formats SFV, MD5 and CRC), extremly efficient file compare (faster than in most other programs) and recovery. CDCheck can be used on all files visible by the operating system. This means all files that you can see in Windows Explorer (CDs, DVDs, disk drives, floppy disks, ZIP drives, USB keys...). Apart from this it also works with audio CDs and provides information about inserted CD/DVD (manufacturer, media type...).

# CDCheck does not provide: recovery of files that cannot be seen by Windows Explorer
(audio CD recovery is possible but not recommended)
# recovery of deleted files (from disk, floppy drive...)
# comparison of images against CD/DVD





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