May 31, 2009

Download VisualRoute ® 2007 SupportPro Edition

VisualRoute provides tracing of e-mail reports, that can useful for solving problems of e-mail and hunt after spamers. Unlike ordinary trace routines, VisualRoute determines all IP transitions parallel (in place of togo, that to do it successive), providing the rapid receipt of result.
A route between two computers is represented in an evident form
Using the function of Ping, you can control, that site “living”, and it is possible to know through Traceroute, whether there are not problems on the way to him.

VisualRoute Traceroute forms three type of results: global analysis, table of information, geographical location of routings. A global analysis is contained by short description of number of transitions; pointing into place, where a problem happened; type of software, set on a server. Information in a table form contain information about every transition, including IP address, name of knot, geographical position and basic highways the Internet, which a server is connected with. The map of the world gives geographical presentation of route which connection was executed on. An user can approach and delete a picture, move on a card. Clicking on a knot a mouse it is possible to get access to contact information for the dispatch of reports in the case of origin of problems.

Additional information: Urgently recommend to read Readme.txt

Size: 10 MB
Language of Interface: English
Platform: Windows All
License: Cracked

Download VisualRoute ® 2007 SupportPro Edition


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