May 10, 2009

mIRC 6.35 Portable

mIRC is a popular Internet Relay Chat client used by millions of people, and thousands of organizations, 
to communicate, share, play and work with each other on IRC networks around the world.Serving the Internet 
community for over a decade, mIRC has evolved into a powerful, reliable and fun piece of technology. 

mIRC is back with a new face! Smile mIRC now has a shiny new mIRC logo and new interface icons, updated 
and designed by the good people at TurboMilk

Various other changes include:

A "Hide tips when locked" option to the lock dialog, 
An SSL option to automatically accept invalid certificates, 
Tips now shade each alternate message that is added to an existing tip to make it easier to distinguish 
individual messages, 
When bars are locked the drag bars are now hidden from view, 
Changed behaviour of "Hide minimized desktop windows" option so that query, message, and chat windows 
remain visible when they are first opened minimized on the desktop.



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