Jun 17, 2009

Download Free Legendary Dinosaurs Pteranodon - Screensaver

During the Jurassic Period, around 180 million years ago, European coastal waters were inhabited by a dinosaur with paddle like fins and an extremely long neck: the Plesiosaurus. This screen saver let you experience two of these prehistoric sea creatures up close.

These dinosaurs use their mighty fins and the power of their snake-like bodies to propel themselves along as they search for food. Their prey includes the small prehistoric fish that already sense danger and are looking for protection in a coral reef.

These determined hunters set their course for more shallow waters and appear, as if out of nowhere, among a school of fish. But the little fish are quite agile and get away…this time.

Every now and then, these long-necked dinosaurs surface to take a breather. They use this opportunity to just let themselves be carried by the waves for a moment and watch the goings-on above water on the austere rocky landscape.

Download Free Legendary Dinosaurs Pteranodon - Screensaver


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