Jan 31, 2008

Polyboost v3.0

Polyboost v3.0 | 44.27 Mb

Autodesk 3ds max contains an existing set of robust modelling tools. Combining these base tools with the PolyBoost tools greatly enhances the users ability, giving them the most fully featured modeller on the market with uses that stretch over all of the different areas of 3d. The feature-list for PolyBoost is quite extensive with over 100 unique tools, below you can view some of the main features with more detailed descriptions.

This new version evolves the concept of working with edgeloops with new tools such as CurveLoop, SpaceLoop, StraightenLoop, CircleLoop, RelaxLoop,tools for moving and building in screenspace in PolyDraw, advanced UVW Unwrap tools, new selection functionality and many fixes throughout PolyBoost.




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