Jan 31, 2008

TIFF Merger Deluxe v1.2.9

TIFF Merger Deluxe v1.2.9 | 1,65 MB
TIFF Merger Deluxe was developed to easily and quickly merge single or multi-page TIFF files into one single multi-page TIFF file.
With the TIFF Merger program, you can combine multipage, single page, Intel format, and Motorola format TIFF files into one document seamlessly. And since it also gives you the ability to select the pages from each document individually, you can pick and choose which TIFF pages you want to merge or take out of a merged document.

Features of the TIFF Merger Deluxe Include:

* Merge TIFF files exceptionally fast!
* Command line support
* Drag and drop files to be merged
* Page range selection
* Pull pages out of a TIFF file
* Merge both Mac and Intel format TIFF files seamlessly
* Unequaled tech support






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