Jan 27, 2008

3D Overview

One of the best new features that the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) introduced is the ability to use 2D scalable vector graphics instead of bitmaps. But if this is not enough to you it is now also possible to use 3D elements that are placed into GUI just as any other graphic element.

It is really very simple to define 3D planes that shows some content. It is also easy to define some simple 3D elements like boxes and spheres. But when you want to create more complex 3D elements like custom 3D buttons, 3D presentation of some object you are confronted with the problem - how to prepare the 3D objects in a way the WPF will show them. So how to import the object data into WPF's Positions, TrinagleIncices, TexureCoordinates, etc.

The tools and libraries on this site can help you overcome this problem with real ease. All you have to do is to save you 3D data in 3ds file format.

3ds is the most commonly used file format for storing 3D content. This format was used by AutoDesk's 3D Studio program. Because of the great popularity of this program, the file format has become very widely used. Almost all 3D modeling programs support some kind of import from or export to this file format. Also, there are huge web libraries that are providing objects in this file format (see Links for list of online 3D libraries and for free 3D modeling applications).

More details about using Ab3d.Reader3ds can be found in its section.
Based on the Ab3d.Reader3ds the following applications and samples (with full source) are available:

Viewer3ds is a free 3ds file viewer and xaml exporter. It is also one of the first applications with animated 3D buttons and other WPF goodies like reflection, transparencies and work area zoom.

Viewer3ds with its xaml exported is ment to be used for simpler 3ds objects. It does not use the latest 3ds reading engine - to achieve the best results and to have more options when importing 3ds file please use Reader3ds library instead - there is also support for simple animations.

RobotArm sample

RobotArm sample demonstrates the power of Reader3ds v4.1 - how simple is to create a 3D scene that can be fully manipulated from .net code - robot arm joints can be rotated, animation can be performed, lights turned on or off and more - see the sample. All this can be done with ease and without need to know all details about 3D programming in WPF.

The application is available with full source code, with a sample 3ds file and also includes Reader3ds v4.1 library.

Sample Player3ds application

Player3ds is a sample WPF application than shows the power of the new Reader3ds. It can play animated 3ds files. The application is very simple to use - just drag and drop a 3ds file into the app and pres play or drag the slider.

The application is available with full source code and with a sample 3ds file.

All Ab3d tools, libraries and samples

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