Jan 27, 2008

Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization


Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization by Andre LaMothe
Publisher: Sams; Pap/Cdr edition (June 2, 2003) | ISBN-10: 0672318350 | PDF | 48 Mb | 1728 pages

Today is the greatest time in history to be in the game business. We now have the technology to create games that look real! Sony's Playstation II, XBOX, and Game Cube are cool! But, all this technology isn't easy or trivial to understand - it takes really hard work and lots of Red Bull. The difficulty level of game programming has definitely been cranked up these days in relation to the skill set needed to make games.
Andre LaMothe's follow-up book to Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus is the one to read for the latest in 3D game programming. When readers are finished with Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization, they will be able to create a full 3D texture-mapped, lit video game for the PC with a software rasterizer they can write themselves. Moreover, they will understand the underlying principles of 3D graphics and be able to better understand and utilize 3D hardware today and in the future.

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