Jan 27, 2008

Ashlar-Vellum Graphite v8.2.2

Ashlar-Vellum Graphite 8.2.2 | 42.5Mb

Cobalt matches professional power with speed and ease of use for flexible 3D modeling. Available for Macintosh and Windows, Cobalt lets creative people work without worrying about their software. Designers save time and money by moving quickly from conception through completion in the real world of last minute changes. Primarily for designers, engineers and inventors, Cobalt leads the Ashlar-Vellum product line with on-demand, dimensionally constrained and equation-driven parametrics that make creating variations on a design faster and easier than ever before.

Graphite offers extremely powerful, precision wire-frame drafting with the elegant ease-of-use that makes it productive even when only used occasionally. Running on Mac and Windows, Graphite provides an interface that lets creative people get the job done without worrying about how to run their software.

The Vellum® magic is addictive — ask any Ashlar-Vellum customer why they use our products and you’ll hear about “Vellumness.” Across our product line, the uniting element is the magical feel of creative simplicity and efficient power. It anticipates your needs and quietly offers help without distraction or intrusion.
Create drawings of unlimited complexity—get down to the details. There’s no limit to your creativity so why should there be a limit to your CAD software? Graphite lets you create 2D and 3D wire-frame drawings of unlimited complexity and precision detail.

Conceptualize then create—Graphite is great for those who want to explore initial design ideas with 2D sketches then create 3D wire-frame designs themselves, without the support or interference of a CAD operator “interpreting” their work.

Design and invent—don’t be a CAD jockey. We can always tell when someone is not a candidate for Ashlar-Vellum products. They tell us that they “run such-and-such a CAD program,” taking great pride in their software’s difficulty. If operating an unwieldy CAD system is your highest calling, don’t buy Graphite. If changing the world through collaborating on new and innovative designs is more your style, then you’ve found the perfect tool.

Build or manufacture with confidence—Graphite’s precise data guarantees accurate drawings, speeding the manufacturing process.

Rise above the competition—leading design innovators share a common tool: Ashlar-Vellum products. From renowned jewelry designers in New York and Paris to athletic equipment companies in the Pacific Northwest, from Apple Computer to Scaled Composites, Cobalt’s flexibility frees creative people to focus on design.

Download Ashlar-Vellum Graphite v8.2.2


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